EVMI® Professional Services

Turnaround Consulting

Companies dislike the term ‘turnaround consulting’ because it represents failure. The truth is that turnaround consulting represents success.

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Project Management & PMO Establishment

EVMI helps companies turnaround their failing project ventures into something that benefits them. Our specialty lies in understanding what makes a company special and what makes it tick. Companies dislike using the term ‘turnaround consulting’ for their projects because it represents failure. The truth is that turnaround consulting represents success. Did you know that over 80% of projects fail globally each year! Let’s help you turn your projects around.

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Strategic planning

Bonds and commodities are much more stable than stocks and trades. We allow our clients to invest in the right bonds & commodities.

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Project Control Strategy & Execution

We bring you THE One Stop Shop management consulting experience. With strong industry focus (Oil & Gas, Aerospace & Defense, Financial Services, Energy & Resources, Retail, Public Sector and Technology and Telecommunications) we put our full weight behind your projects at better than market prices. We have setup a senior team of professionals who have a perfect blend of executive and hands-on experience, complemented by their deep understanding of their respective industries both at local & regional level

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Risk & ISO 31000 Risk Industry Standards Execution

You can be confident in the knowledge that EVMI has the skills, experience, processes and resources to manage any of the risks to your project during all phases of the project life-cycle. Our Risk Management Processes include: Risk Identification, Risk Probability & Impact Analysis, Risk Management, Risk Tracking & Control, Risk Response Planning

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EVMS Compliance Strategy For EIA 748-C EVMS Industry Standards Compliance

EVMI® will work in close concert with the client (whether it is a US Federal Government Agency or Commercial client) in reviewing their EVMS plans and verifying initial compliance with DOD Earned Value Management system criteria and most importantly, ensure compliance and conformity with all the 32 guidelines stipulated in Standard EIA-748-C, Industry Guidelines for Earned Value Management Systems. We work with our clients and do a deep analysis of their business. We help prepare possible outcomes to different decisions.

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Project Financial Projections & Forecasting

This stops companies from taking drastic measures like downsizing or closing down sites; those things happen only with no.

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ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management Industry Standard Implementation

Execution is the single most important part of the whole process, poor execution can result in a lot of lost time and money. In order for any business to succeed they need to have the right planning, the right strategy, and the right execution of these things. We helps our clients expand and grow by providing them all three. We know how important it is to have the right quality plan and execution strategy, if your plan is wrong then every step you take will be in the wrong direction as well.

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International Business Opportunities

EVMI is highly versatile in international business and have a wide array of cross-border experiences in markets around the globe. We advise on International investments, transactions, regulatory, compliance, money, banking, trade and legal

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International Project Management Consulting Services

There are no geographical limitations in today’s world of international project management as the world is getting closer and closer. EVMI® Earned Value Management Institute® allows its clients to utilize the bandwidth and breadth of our range of project management consulting expertise that we provide all around the world. We are able to provide these functions due to our diverse team who have a diversity of international related experiences. We understand the international business culture and will help you work with people from other countries.

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Project Planning, Scheduling, Execution

Execution is the single most important part of the whole process, poor execution can result in a lot of lost time and money.

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EIA 748-D EVMS Industry Standard Implementation

Execution is the single most important part of the whole process, poor execution can result in a lot of lost time and money. EVM System surveillance in a broader sense requires the continuous assessment of, and ensuring compliance of a client or supplier’s EVM system with DOD EVM system criteria and Standard EIA-748-C, Industry Guidelines for Earned Value Management Systems. EVM System surveillance includes evaluating any or all changes to the supplier’s validated system to ensure continuing compliance with industry standards. When applicable, EVMI® will perform system surveillance activities jointly with the client and any subcontractors, where applicable.

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how can we help you?

Send us a quick email at info@evmi.com and we will answer any questions you have with the quickest turnaround regarding our world-class consulting services

Mr. Richard Marcum’s Testimonial for EVMP®

“This is the best Earned Value Management training that I have attended”. “I felt that this was a very well taught EVMS [Earned Value Management Systems] course [referring to the EVMP® Earned Value Management Professional® credential certification program].” “The EVMP® principles, objectives, course materials, instruction and exercises were very applicable and essential to project management” (The Instructor for this EVMPAI™ certification course was Professor Kwaku Akyeampong who is the Chief AI Officer (CAIO) and CEO at EVMI.com)

Mr. Richard Marcum’s Testimonial for EVMPAI™

“I found the EVMPAI™ certification course very informative and comprehensive. The course focuses on using Earned Value Management principles, processes, and reporting as a basis for Artificial Intelligence projects. The material was informative, but what truly stood out was the instructor’s deep knowledge and expertise in the field, which reassured me about the quality of the course.” (The Instructor for this EVMPAI certification course was Professor Kwaku Akyeampong who is the Chief AI Officer (CAIO) and CEO at EVMI.com)

Mr. Richard Marcum’s Testimonial for EVMO™

“The Earned Value Management Officer™ (EVMO™) certification course is informative and comprehensive and a significant steppingstone in one’s career. The course’s focus on using Earned Value Management principles, processes, and reporting for executive officers is an asset for anyone aspiring to or currently holding such a position. As Head of a Project Management Office for more than ten years, this certification course has broadened my knowledge and helped me focus my attention on the essential organization needs for standing up or continual improvement of the Earned Value Management (EVM) office. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to advance their career as an executive officer or those working on becoming an EVM executive officer.” (The Instructor for this EVMO™ certification course was Professor Kwaku Akyeampong who is the Chief AI Officer (CAIO) and CEO at EVMI.com)

Mr. Richard Marcum’s Testimonial for ChSPO™

“The Chief Schedule and Planning Officer™ (ChSPO™) certification course was informative and comprehensive. The course focuses on leading an organizational leader’s scheduling and planning principles, processes, and reporting responsibilities for executive officers. I found the material subject matter informative and the instructor knowledgeable. As a scheduler, planner, and manager with extensive experience in government and commercial projects, coming through my career from novice scheduler/planner to Head of a Project Management Office, this certification course has helped me focus on the essential organization needs. I recommend this course to anyone looking to improve their leadership/managerial skills or those starting to lead a scheduling and planning organization.” (The Instructor for this ChSPO™ certification course was Professor Kwaku Akyeampong who is the Chief AI Officer (CAIO) and CEO at EVMI.com)

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-marcum-pmp-evmp-mba-3643a84b

Mr. Richard Marcum, PMP®, EVMP®, EVMP – Government®, EVMPAI™, EVMO™, ChSPO™
Head of Office of Project Support Services | Head of Project Management Office, FERMILABS, Illinois, USA

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